Your company as “La Roja”, how to achieve the perfect alignment of staff

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jrine 01
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Your company as “La Roja”, how to achieve the perfect alignment of staff

Post by jrine 01 »

It is not easy to achieve the most efficient staff for our organization. Often, when recruiting staff, we only focus on finding the best and not so much on how to improve our work team.

Learn why it is necessary to mix profiles to improve our organization
Learn how to get it right when defining the profiles needed for the company

When a company needs to fill a vacancy, the first decision is to advertise it in order to attract the best possible candidates . Usually, an advertisement is published specifying the position we want to fill as well as the candidate's profile. But if we want to improve our work team, we have to look for other characteristics that are often not specified.

Just like in "La Roja", when it comes to covering the different positions , defenders, midfielders or forwards, we look for the profile of the players to be complementary . In austria email list 860976 contact leads this way, we have alternatives when it comes to proposing solutions during a match. From a more combative and shocking forward like Diego Costa to one who seeks more space like Rodrigo. We can do the same in our company.

Empathy and looking for profiles that enhance the skills of the staff
It is about looking for complementary profiles in the different departments to those we already have. If we have a very good salesperson who works with small companies, it is better to look for one who is an expert in large companies, so that we do not step on clients and help us find a balance in our turnover.

In addition, the candidate must have good empathy for teamwork . Returning to the commercial area, it is not just about selling, but about selling what interests our company the most, what the development department can deliver on time, etc. There is no point in selling if we know that we will not be able to give this client what they are asking for because production is saturated.

Returning to the comparison with "La Roja", it will be of no use for Diego Costa to fight for the ball with the defence, to win it, if when he wins it he has no teammate to accompany him . Most likely he will lose it. It is of no use to have a great passer like Iniesta, if then no one makes a run to exploit this virtue. When recruiting personnel we have to look for those who are not only good, but who make their teammates better.

Attitude and skills in the workplace


Sometimes it is better to look for a candidate with a good attitude than the best at their job. We work as a team and sometimes not everyone knows how to make sacrifices, contribute from the bench without necessarily being the star. A candidate with the right attitude can compensate for a lower ability in certain areas. They will be more open to learning.

Sometimes we get an interview with a candidate who is overqualified for the position. It is an opportunity for the company to hire someone with talent, but we also know that we will not be able to retain them for long, unless they find a better offer. The enthusiasm for the job, for being part of a team, is also a value to take into account.

But we also want to make sure that no area is left unfilled if someone leaves . A company cannot rely on one employee, so if someone leaves for another company, we must have someone ready on the bench to take on that role without noticing the loss. It is the same thing that happens in the national team, which is set up so that if a player suffers an injury, is sent off or any unforeseen event, he can be covered by another member of the team without it being too noticeable.

Integration within the team
Finally, in order for the new staff to be successful, it is essential to ensure good integration within the team . Ideally, another employee should act as a mentor, helping the employee to learn about the company's dynamics, procedures, policies and vision of the organization.
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