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Attention and support during the service

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 9:59 am
by ritu800
Now comes the time to awaken the prospect's desire to buy your product. This is an evolution of the previous phase, where we help them find solutions to their problems.

For example, you can highlight the benefits of your product and apply them to the customer’s current situation to create an offer they can’t refuse. Or you can make a limited-time offer to reinforce the purchase intent.

Phase 4 - Action
The AIDA sales technique ends with the Action phone number search indonesia phase, where the sale is closed and a transaction is made.

This can take many forms - in a face-to-face sale it means having the contract on hand and making the process as easy and simple as possible. In online marketing it means providing clear calls to action and making the whole process quick.

The action phase involves giving the customer what they are looking for without making it a burden. To do this, you must anticipate it and have everything ready to close a new deal in record time.

It is also possible to add some bonuses or highlight the benefits of your after-sales service, such as:


Free or easy returns
Trial periods
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
SPIN sales method
The SPIN method is a sales technique that consists of listening to your potential client and looking for solutions tailored to them by asking the right questions at the right time. Its name comes from the acronyms Situation, Problem, Implication and Need Pay Off , which describe how to use this method to lead a client to the closing of a sale.

Applying the SPIN sales technique is achieve