Can I cut costs somewhere?

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Can I cut costs somewhere?

Post by arzina566 »

Choose a focus point for the coming year. Don’t try to fit every ambition into one year. If you try to achieve many things at once, you’re unlikely to do any of them well. Even if you have the people and resources, aligning them will bring more clarity and better results than splitting up responsibilities and budgets. Dramatic reforms are more likely to fail than the other way around. Dramatic and dramatic are usually an extension of each other.

2. Am I prioritizing the right things?
Prioritize what works. It may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how often we chase rainbows when there’s still so much potential in our sure things . We get it. It’s fun to get excited about upcoming marketing trends. Influencer marketing, chatbots, VR ads, you name it, they all seem to promise game-changing possibilities. But before you start experimenting, take a look at where the majority of your success is currently coming from. Have you allocated enough resources to support and build on your current successes? Wouldn’t innovating in these existing channels yield better results than innovating in new, uncharted territory? A 1% increase in revenue in your existing marketing mix might be worth more than taking a 100% gamble on something you don’t fully understand yet. Bet on something you know for sure, first.

The BCG matrix for marketing purposes can australia telegram data 3 million help you with this. Does your current marketing mix consist of cows, dogs or rather stars?

While you’re looking at your existing marketing mix and ways to optimize it, also look at the marketing tools and services you’re using. Too many marketing teams (and businesses in general) love buying new toys, but tend to forget about them when usage drops or goes away. Forgotten subscriptions can add up quickly. Remember that email automation tool you created an account with two years ago? No? Your credit card does.

As marketing technology advances, you also need to reassess your arsenal from time to time and see if you’re still getting the most bang for your buck. You know what you need, and you may have a few tools that do the job, but if there’s a solution that does it all for two-thirds of the price, it’s definitely worth a look.


The same goes for your team members. While letting people go is not nearly as easy as canceling software, both have to happen sometimes. A team is only as effective as its weakest link.

4. Am I where my best customers are?
The best online marketers understand their customer base. They understand that not all customers are the same and that there is no such thing as one fixed blueprint for 'a customer'.
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