Documents and other information carriers
Google Docs was the first widely used application that made it easy to work on the same document at the same time. Now, Microsoft Office 365 makes it quite easy. So in that respect, I was right.
What I had no idea of when I wrote my article at the time was how the digital world would change when it came to documents as the primary information carrier. Between 2011 and around 2018, I increasingly got the impression that digital collaboration would increasingly take place with other media than documents. Think of wikis, chat and (other) text-based collaboration environments. After all, they also fit in very well with asynchronous working.
My impression is that the rise of Microsoft 365 has ensured that 'the document' has not disappeared for a long time. After all, one of the pillars of Microsoft 365 is working with documents. SharePoint revolves around documents, in Teams a lot happens around documents, and so on. This keeps working with and thinking in documents going, while cambodia telegram data a document is not always the best information carrier.
At the same time, technology is not the only reason why we still work and think primarily in documents. In many organizations, knowledge work is still done according to processes that are based on documents and filing cabinets. Only now we no longer create and read documents on paper, but via screens. We no longer store them in folders in physical cabinets, but in OneDrive, SharePoint or another document management system.
One more thing about documents. In 2011 I wrote: “On the road I listen to the management summary of the project plan: my PDA connects to the intranet for this, converts the document into speech”. Smart assistants are increasingly doing this very well. When I am on the road, I often have Siri read out saved articles. I do this at one and a half times the speed, which also allows me to absorb information faster. The other way around is also getting better: I quite regularly dictate a (short) message via iMessage, WhatsApp or e-mail, especially when I am on the road.