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Forms of intelligence

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 3:34 am
by arzina566
Critics, however, speak of the myth of learning styles. Teachers cannot accurately assess the learning style of their student, it remains a subjective judgment and there is no evidence that offering in a learning style format leads to better results. In other words, scientific research shows no connection between what was learned and the style in which it was learned.

However, people (both in education and in learning at work) express preferences. Most people have a multimodal learning style – a combination of styles is preferred. The best way to learn (or teach) depends on the content: learning to play a musical instrument is not possible without audio, learning to distinguish birds from each other by looking and listening, etc.

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn – Confucius (and later Benjamin Franklin)

The American psychologist Howard Gardner came canada telegram data up with his vision on forms of intelligence in 1983. He saw intelligence as the ability to learn, to solve problems. According to him, this can be done in different – ​​so multiple – ways and he initially described 7 (later he added no. 8 and 9) forms of intelligence that people use in learning or developing cognitive skills:


Visual and spatial insight (Picture smart)
Bodily kinesthetic, motor skills (Body smart)
Musical (Music smart)
Linguistic, Linguistic (Become smart)
Logical, mathematical reasoning (Number smart)
Interpersonal, social (People smart)
Intrapersonal, introspection, self-reflection (Self smart)
Naturalistic, being able to observe natural elements (Nature smart)
Existential, spiritual (Life smart)
Digital (Digital smart). Nowadays we could add this.
As mentioned, there is no scientific basis for the VARK model and Gardner's vision is also not proven. What has been scientifically researched is how learning works in the brain.