In a standard text message, you only have 160 characters to explain your message. Even with longer MMS messages, you don't have room for a long story.
Write a draft. Keep the most important points. Remove unnecessary words. Put the information in the right order. Then edit the message again to fit the allotted number of characters. Make sure you include the essential information — the who, what, where, when, and why. Start with what matters most to your audience, not what matters most to you or your company. Write from your customer’s perspective.
Because you know your audience and focus on what they america cell phone number list have in common, you can vary your tone depending on the content of your message. Is your audience ready for humor or an informal tone? Is it okay to be provocative? Or is only a formal tone acceptable? The content of your message and your knowledge of your audience will determine which tone you choose, but choose it intentionally.
One word of caution: be careful with jargon. It may work well with some audiences, but it can be a disaster if you miscalculate.
Research has shown that our brains sometimes work against us by being too efficient. Here's how: If you've been working on a text for a while, your brain will often skip over misspelled words or missing words. It fills in the blanks for you. This is how your brain helps you understand what you're reading, but it won't necessarily help you find typos.
The solution is simple: after writing the final version of the text, put it aside and come back to proofreading in a couple of hours, or better yet, let colleagues read the text of the newsletter before sending it to colleagues. A fresh look can help find errors. Many PR teams make copy editing part of their corporate culture, and all copies are read by at least two people.
Being authentic and open with your customers is becoming increasingly important in today’s business world. If you can help solve your customers’ problems, you’ll have a tremendous competitive advantage. And if you communicate effectively using their preferred channel, you’ll be able to build relationships that extend far beyond a single sale.
SMS notifications and messaging are an effective, simple and inexpensive way for brands to communicate with consumers.
What to write about and how to write
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