It’s a fact, B2B social media is here to stay. In fact, recent statistics show that social advertising is practiced by a staggering 83% of B2B marketers and is second only to search engines in terms of success.
From nurturing customers to influencing the industry, the social space has a lot to offer B2B brands. But there’s no denying that B2B social media marketing is tricky. This is especially true if you’re dealing with what may seem like a “boring” or technical product.
That’s why we put together this step-by-step guide to help B2B brands come up with a social strategy that aligns with their key business goals.
Businesses of all shapes and sizes should focus on goal setting, but doing so is especially important for B2B companies.
After all, competition is fierce and there are so many marketing telegram database channels to work with. But you shouldn’t be on social media “just because.”
Also consider that a B2B social media strategy is apples and oranges versus retail or e-commerce. Rather than focusing on selling, most B2B companies use social media as a first-line marketing channel, specifically for content promotion and awareness.
According to recent research breaking down the most cited benefits of B2B content marketing, marketers should prioritize the following:
Create brand awareness (86%)
Educate audiences (79%)
Building credibility and trust (75%)
Now, let’s look at how B2B social media marketing can be used to address each goal.
Create brand awareness
First things first: you need the world to know who you are.
Again, there are a lot of voices in the B2B space. It’s easy to get lost in the shuffle.
Companies need to explain exactly who they are, what sets them apart from the competition, and what they value as a company. Social media is the perfect place for this to happen, providing a place to promote bite-sized pieces of content that highlight all of the above.