Also read: Never distracted again: make yourself 'indistractable

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Also read: Never distracted again: make yourself 'indistractable

Post by arzina566 »

If you are distracted by notifications on your phone, but you really can’t put the device in another room, take a moment to turn off notifications from certain apps. Or use technology to block technology: Forest app and SelfControl for example.

4. Avoid distractions by making pacts
This is your last resort: avoid distractions by making pacts. Nir recommends the website, where you can find a kind of study buddy to work with. Of course, you are not really working together on a project, but you are working together in the sense that you are both focused on your work.

When we were stuck at home in March because of corona, I spent whole days with people from my coworking space in the app Houseparty. We all needed the watchful eye of 'someone else' to be able to work more focused.

By the way, I also made a pact with myself: I work with the Pomodoro technique. This means that you work in cycles of 25-5 minutes. Before you start the timer (and possibly your concentration kuwait telegram data crown), think about what you are going to do so that you can work with intention. Something for you? I can recommend the browser extension Marinara .

Alison Hadden: “Use technology to get the most out of life”
The session of Alison Hadden is the one that stuck with me the most. She has been a marketing executive at several international companies and is now working on her own company No Time to Waste. According to Alison, we have no time to waste. Her goal is to make people more aware of their time. Here too, living with intention comes up again.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges like working from home and remote meetings, but it has also caused the number of people in America with depression to triple. If you didn’t have an anxiety disorder, you probably did this year. We’re afraid of getting sick. Afraid of losing our jobs. Afraid of dying. We’re built to survive and thrive, but death is inescapable.

What people really fear is not so much extinction, but extinction without insignificance', said Ernest Becker.

We are afraid of dying without having contributed anything. Therefore, live as if you have no time to lose. This all sounds very melodramatic and American.
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