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How does storytelling work?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:12 am
by mmehedi*#
Why are we so into storytelling?
The answer to this question can be found in our brain. When we read sober data and facts, two areas of the brain are activated. With emotional stories, up to seven are activated! That's why we not only find the information more exciting, but it also stays in our memory longer. And content marketing can also take advantage of this effect.

Storytelling involves presenting information - for phone number list example the function of a product - in a clear way and wrapping it up in a story. The great thing about it is that it's not just dry information, like the dimensions of a refrigerator, that can be made much more interesting. Abstract values, visions or ideas that are difficult to describe can also be communicated in an understandable way using the storytelling method.


By the way: Because this method of “storytelling” works so well, it has long been used in knowledge transfer, child and adult education, and psychotherapy! Here, too, it is clear that content is understood and retained much better when it is linked to a story.

Drama, baby!
The principle is very simple: take a protagonist, a problem and a solution. Dramaturgically speaking: a hero, a conflict, a victory. The storytelling method follows ancient dramaturgical structures, which emotionalizes content. And what worked in ancient Greece still works perfectly today.