Database Segmentation: Benefits and Challenges

Telegram data gives you good opportunity to promote you business with tg users. Latest marketing technique to telegram marketing.
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Database Segmentation: Benefits and Challenges

Post by Rajulk985 »

When we talk about lead generation, it is always necessary to keep in mind that behind every cold “lead” there is actually a person with his or her interests, peculiarities, and needs. Giving a face to the leads and learning to know the people we relate to means valorizing each contact, maximizing our business objectives.

Database segmentation means dividing and organizing our leads based on the data we have available.

This process is essential to ensure healthy business growth because it allows you to access accurate information about your user base and highlight areas for intervention and improvement. Even Harvard Business Review has covered the topic, in a study it told the case study of the Hill-Rom company: which increased revenue growth up to 11% for each sales force employee.

Knowing the database better allows us on one hand to make in-depth use a bulk sms service to compile your list reasoning on the business value of our customers, on the other to evaluate the reactivity of users with respect to the stimuli sent. From here it is possible to understand how to communicate towards specific targets so that the relationship develops in a healthy and reciprocal way, laying the foundation for the construction of a path of trust and confidence also based on the sharing of content.

This process applies to existing customers as well as potential ones, towards whom we can activate analysis processes within the perimeter of the “personas” that allow us to apply similar communication models to other targets already present in the customer base, and therefore – potentially – more performing.


The Benefits of Database Segmentation in Brief
Get to know the people in your database better and evaluate the presence of different personas to target your communication towards
Define priority parameters with respect to customer/user management both in terms of customer care and with respect to retention and communication activities
Understand the tastes, preferences and needs of the public and build personalized communications with respect to specific ROI objectives
Use lookalike strategies in the new acquisition phase , to involve an audience that is more aligned with the brand's values ​​and commercial proposition
Strengthen lead generation strategies even in the planning phase of advertising campaigns
The Challenges of Database Segmentation
Database segmentation is a fundamental activity that brings with it questions, doubts and critical issues.

In short:
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