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Define what a Marketing Qualified Lead (MCL) is for your company

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:52 am
by Tingli
High Value and Interest: Leads in this quadrant require immediate follow-up by the sales team, usually within 24 hours.
High value but less interest: These leads have high value but less interest. These are the ones that the marketing team needs to work on to transform them into the first ones. The best way to work with them is through email marketing, high-value digital offers, direct offers such as a demo or something similar.
High interest but low value: Leads in this quadrant are highly interested but are not the brand's target audience. It is worthwhile for a sales representative to contact this type of lead because closing a sale with a non-traditional client is very likely. There are many people who have good reasons to become your clients despite not having the profile of an ideal client.

Low interest and low value: This b2c cell phone number list is the quadrant where you don't want to waste your time. Don't be afraid to remove these types of leads from your digital marketing system. If you have a clean email list, your messages will be more effective and have better results.


Define what a Marketing Qualified Lead (MCL) is for your company
With the above data, you can now define what an LCM is for your company. Focusing on value or level of interest will depend on your business model. Whatever your approach, you should base your decisions on data and not sales instincts. To decide what makes a lead important for your company, consider the following points:

Examine their behavior: Analyze the activity your customers had with your digital channels before becoming customers.
Find patterns: Look for patterns that indicate a lead's likelihood of closing.
Make a list of Activities: Make a list of activities and interactions that a lead can have with your brand and your digital channels before becoming a customer.
Calculate your closing rate: Using the closing rate from previous campaigns, calculate the average percentage of all your marketing activities. Then look for those activities that have the best closing rate and focus on them. If you have carried out effective digital marketing campaigns, you will notice how the Internet is positioned among the best channels for attracting new customers.
Remember that audience segmentation and nurturing is essential within your digital strategy. If as a marketing director you are clear about what type of digital interactions a person must have to become your customer, you will be able to better guide your team and deliver better results at the end of each period. We invite you to analyze the rest of the steps you must follow to achieve this goal in our latest ebook below.