you will surely have to answer this and more questions

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you will surely have to answer this and more questions

Post by Joyzfsdsk322 »

We know that just thinking about walking into your boss's office, sitting down and starting this conversation can make you sweat. But how do you start this topic?

Sure, you could rehearse in front of the mirror over and over until your viber database speech sounds convincing and you feel confident, but let's be honest, maybe some lines of that compelling script you wrote at home get scattered because of nerves.

This is completely normal and many people have experienced it. Before you send your boss an email or message in which you express that you want to talk to him or her about your professional future, the first thing we recommend is that you clear your head and think about this: do you really know what you want professionally?

If you are going to ask for a promotion,


In this article we want to help you make this conversation as natural as possible and to help you arrive with a lot of confidence in yourself and your abilities. We know that asking for a promotion at work is not easy, but by following a few tips you can prepare yourself and leave with a smile on your face for the success of a new position in your company.

Why ask for a promotion?
Some companies consider frequent job changes to be a modern phenomenon that must be accepted. They are not wrong to a certain extent. While it is true that employees no longer stay for several decades in the same company , we may neglect certain aspects that could help us keep our jobs for a little longer.

Frankly, frequent job changes are not only a problem for the company that must continually hire and train new professionals, but also for the employee. Although it is a way to obtain promotions, salary increases and professional progress, it involves running the risk of getting used to a new team or boss that might be incompatible with you, and discovering the ins and outs of a work environment and job that you might not like.

At worst, you might end up spending some time in rounds of job interviews, which can be grueling. After all, you haven't met a recruiter for the first time for quite some time now, and those nerves you mastered years ago may resurface.

For this reason, both employees and managers have a responsibility to have conversations about future career prospects. This moves you closer to the kind of life and work you want, as well as giving employers the information they need to help you achieve those goals.

How to apply for a promotion at work and see what your journey has been like in your current job:

How long have you been working at the company? More than 2 years? 10 years? If you've only been here a few months, we recommend that you let a little more time pass and demonstrate in a better way the value you have for the company. Maybe in a month you have managed to stand out more than the rest, but it would be a bit hasty and detrimental for you to want to move to another level at this moment.
What have you achieved during this time? You are probably actively collaborating in your area and your superiors have congratulated you for it. So far, what are your milestones within the company? Maybe you landed a very valuable account, helped develop strategic alliances, consolidated a team or improved a process, for example.

It's important that you answer these questions and be completely honest. Make a list of what you did at your company, both good and bad (no one is exempt from making a few mistakes). Coming with a clear idea of ​​everything you've contributed and grown will help you communicate it to your boss. The more specific and quantifiable, the better.
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