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Types of advertising channels

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:15 am
by rakibhasan02
An advertising channel is generally defined as a method used to deliver a message to a target audience. It all depends on who the product is intended for. There are four types of marketing channels.

Mass promotion channels
The most common group of channels aimed at promoting mass-market products. They inform a wide range of buyers about inexpensive and affordable products using mass media, outdoor advertising, souvenirs, and announcements in transport.

All these channels have different possibilities. Thus, advertising in the media is TV and radio commercials, advertisements in printed publications. Much attention is paid to outdoor and transport shop advertising. As for the promotion of goods and services, there is a huge field for creativity: billboards, stands, signs, inscriptions on public transport.

Types of advertising channels
Types of advertising channels
For low-priced products, packaging is very important. In addition to information about the product itself, it can advertise social projects.

Local promotion channels
They are designed to target specific segments of potential consumers. They are used when selling expensive or specialized products, which means that all information must reach consumers who may need the product here and now. This makes television advertising, for example, meaningless.


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In this case, it is effective to use both physical and information channels.

The first refers to places where consumers have the opportunity to come to see the product. This can be a themed or specially planned event. For example, a pet food manufacturer can present its products at a cat show. The target audience in this case is 100%. Trade fairs, exhibitions, presentations and seminars are effective in terms of promotion.

Information channels are an opportunity for customers to learn or read something about a product. These can be printed materials, for example, about repairs or fishing. Such a channel can also be organized as an addition to regular printed materials. For example, a “healthy diet” or “astrological forecast” tab in a newspaper intended for a wide readership.

Personal promotion channels
Personal channels are similar in their characteristics to mass channels, promoting affordable goods and services. However, the actions here are more targeted and extend to a specific audience. One of the most effective advertising channels, even in 2023, is word of mouth.

Recommendations from bloggers and opinion leaders have been actively developed today. The ads are effective because subscribers already have a high level of trust in these people. Bloggers talk about where they spend time, do beauty services, have lunch, and work out at the gym.
Individual advertising channels
They are used when there is a need to increase demand for expensive or industrial goods. These include commercial offers, mailings, personal meetings and phone calls.

Individual advertising channels
Individual advertising channels
These companies and manufacturers know their clients very well, so all appeals to them are personal. The disadvantage of this method of promotion is its high cost.