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Industry allocates 42.8 million to support 6,100 entrepreneurs

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:25 am
by asimd17
The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism has published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) the order establishing the regulatory bases for the granting of aid for the acceleration of 'startups', the so-called 'Startup Acceleration Program', endowed with 42.8 million within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

The objective of this program is to promote the growth and development of startups and will be implemented through individualized advice and specific training with a personalized acceleration plan.

The School of Industrial loan data Organization (EOI Foundation), attached to the General Secretariat of Industry and SMEs, will be responsible for managing these grants, which aim to support 6,100 startups before the end of 2023.

The individualised advisory service and specific training for the beneficiaries will be provided by collaborating entities (accelerators and incubators with experience in sectoral acceleration) that will be selected through a competitive tendering procedure. Both this tendering procedure for collaborating entities and the call for aid to startups will be published from September of this year.

The 'Startup Acceleration Plan' will consist of three phases: training program , acceleration program, and search for financing and connection with the business community.


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