A Content Manager is the professional responsible for planning, producing and supporting a Content Marketing strategy.
When it comes to creating, managing and coordinating all digital material within a Content Marketing strategy , whatever its main objective, the figure of the Content Manager emerges as the key piece to execute these actions.
In this article we will teach you what a Content Manager really israel email list 1.2 million contact leads is, their role in the digital transformation of an organization, the tools they use and the skills that should characterize them.
Without further ado, let's get started!
What is a Content Manager?
Simply put, a Content Manager is the professional in charge of planning, creating and coordinating all digital content used during an Inbound Marketing campaign .
Likewise, as part of an effective Content Marketing strategy, it is capable of carrying out actions related to the creation of materials for websites and blogs, as well as the analysis of results, effectiveness and obtaining leads or conversions.
What is your role within Content Marketing?
As part of the management and coordination of digital content for a brand, company or organization, your work involves various functions.
Some of the most important ones are the following:
Develop the content plan
Imagine having a strategy without a plan to follow. That would be far-fetched, right?
That is why the Content Manager is considered the ideal piece to develop a content plan that helps your organization achieve various aspects, including:
define clear actions for the defined objectives;
anticipate all possible difficulties;
adjust the strategy when necessary;
know the buyer persona in depth according to the product or service offered;
define the keywords according to the ideal audience.
establish a purchasing process that generates greater customer conversion;
verify and manage resources to achieve objectives.
So, the Content Manager is the one who designs and materializes the path to follow within a content strategy that, when consolidated, will help your company grow.