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20 effective email subject lines for sales

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:51 am
by ashammi244
Before you can convert an email subscriber and make a sale, you first have to get them to open your email. That’s easier said than done when faced with an overcrowded email inbox and time-pressed readers.

Still, you can improve your chances by crafting an effective sale email subject line.

This article reveals 20 of the best subject lines for buy phone number list sales you can use in your email campaigns. We also provide tips you can incorporate into your writing process and set your sale subject lines up for success.


Importance of an engaging subject line
Well-crafted email subject lines are essential for sales for two key reasons.

First, they’re the first thing your target audience will see when your email hits their inbox. Many of these people will use them to decide whether (or not) to open an email.

Thus, it’s no exaggeration to say that an email subject line can decide an email’s open rates. In fact, up to 47% of email recipients decide to open emails based on the subject line alone.

The reality is you’ll need to craft good email subject lines to get your emails opened. If potential customers don’t get past the subject line, they won’t read the email body. And if they don’t read the body of the email, you can’t convert them.

Secondly, effective email subject lines can help you capture attention.

Every prospective customer who receives your emails likely gets dozens more from your competitors. That’s not counting the other sales emails they receive from unrelated companies or the internal communications from their workplaces.

Crafting a good email subject line can help your email stand out in your customers’ crowded inboxes.

Intriguing and catchy subject lines can grab a prospect’s attention and convince them to open your emails. In essence, they can boost your email open rates and put you on the path to higher conversion rates.

20 effective email subject lines for sales
Here are 20 effective sale email subject line examples you can apply to different types of sales situations:

1. Cold email subject line
It can be challenging to get anyone to open emails from sources they don’t know, let alone fresh prospects. The lack of a common connection, along with the risk of falling victim to cybercrime, drives this wariness.

When you’ve no option but to send cold emails to drive sales, how do you establish trust with your email subject line?

Alison Courses sales email subject line about improving life by dealing with money effectively.
One excellent way is to offer value upfront, as the subject line in the above image does.

What makes it effective?
This cold email subject line is effective because it offers value, encouraging the recipient to open the email.

Other inspiring examples:
Optimize your task workflow
Show your home some love
Expand your impact with career-critical skills
Start strong in Q3
[Name] here are [Country’s] most in-demand careers right now.
2. Follow-up email subject line
Follow-up emails are necessary for moving a prospect through your sales funnel. Having moved past the awareness, interest, and desire stages, some people may still need one last push to take action and get their wallets out. Following up with these customers is how you make them take the plunge.

Teespring sales email subject line about taking the first step to success
The above image is an excellent example of a subject line done right for a follow-up email.

What makes it effective?
This subject line uses encouraging words and a tick emoji to grab attention. By declaring that the recipient is on the right track, it piques interest and inspires curiosity. Customers who’ve forgotten about their interaction with the company or brand will be compelled to open the email if only to remind themselves.