As a third step, you should make room in your budget for advertising on Facebook. Various marketing experts have coined this News Feed update as the death knell for organic posts on Facebook. However, you should continue to update your page regularly with organic posts in order to keep it fresh, especially for those users who will search for your business and land on your page. This will show that you are listening and paying attention to the users who visit your Facebook page. To ensure that you reach people who are interested in your business, boost posts and try out Facebook ads. Take a hard look at your target audience and make any necessary adjustments to get the most out of your ad. At Pulse, we spoke with a Facebook representative about the Facebook News Feed change. She indicated that boosting a post every day will help maintain engagement and reach, and perhaps increase it. Your budget doesn’t have to be huge to do this. Try out $5 per day and see how it works, and then adjust if necessary.
Be authentic
Finally, you should aim to be authentic. This update is all about tunisia dialing code prioritizing meaningful content, which means you should avoid “engagement bait” at all costs. Henry Silverman, Facebook Operations Integrity Specialist and Lin Huang, Facebook Engineer, wrote an article about engagement bait in mid-December that explains how the algorithm has already changed to fight “engagement bait.” “People have told us that they dislike spammy posts on Facebook that goad them into interacting with likes, shares, comments, and other actions,” the article reads. “For example, “’LIKE this if you’re an Aries!’ This tactic, known as ‘engagement bait,’ seeks to take advantage of our News Feed algorithm by boosting engagement in order to get greater reach. So, starting this week, we will begin demoting individual posts from people and Pages that use engagement bait.” Try your best to foster meaningful conversations. The article explicitly states that Facebook “will demote posts that go against one of our key News Feed values — authenticity. Similar to our other recent efforts to demote clickbait headlines and links to low-quality web page experiences, we want to reduce the spread of content that is spammy, sensational, or misleading in order to promote more meaningful and authentic conversations on Facebook.”
This Facebook News Feed change is a big deal in the world of marketing, and it’s a huge deal for the businesses that use the platform to promote their brand and sell their products. Knowing that it’s being implemented and taking steps to adjust are the most important way to ensure that Facebook remains a viable marketing solution.
If you need help with your Facebook strategy, give us a call or send me an email. We offer free 30-minute consultations and we’ll be happy to help!