He wants to buy a great rod so that he can bag a 150-pound catfish off the edge of Rapidan Dam. He wants to buy a thing.
What's a typical B2B buyer? The ACME Corporation on the hunt for 400,000 of iron ore. The folks at ACME need raw materials masse. They want to purchase the solution to a problem.
B2C SEO tactics move consumers from search engine to product page and paytm database then checkout in as short a time as possible. One false move and Uncle Bill will lose interest and wander over to Jeff Bezos's South American forest-themed hypermarket.
B2B SEO tactics are more subtle because the B2B sales process progresses far more slowly. ACME Corp won't just put 400,000 of ore in its shopping basket and pay for it via American Express because there are logistics to sort out: four or five board meetings, hundreds of reinforced railcars, bulk storage facilities and so on.
If you need an example of subtle B2B SEO tactics at work, check out LED's funnel page for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs):
LED funnel page SEO tactics.
2. Keyword strategy.
Generally speaking, B2C keywords aren't very difficult to identify. When Uncle Bill goes shopping online for a fishing rod, he will probably type "best fishing rod" or "professional fishing rod" into Google. B2C marketing professionals working for online sports stores target those high-intent keywords to drive organic traffic to product pages.
B2B transactions involve intangible products and services, making low-intent and high-intent keywords somewhat harder to determine. ACME Corp executives looking for rock might type in "bulk iron ore," or they might type "limonite mines in central Pennsylvania." To figure out relevant short-tail and long-tail keywords for your B2B product or service:
Use quantitative research and anecdotal observation to develop buyer personas.
Look for clues in your corporate contact database.
Conduct market research on potential customers.
Talk to sales reps and industry insiders.