For a job most would turn down at first blush.

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For a job most would turn down at first blush.

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

Trying to sell someone in an industry you (and they) think is abhorrent? Take advice from those who’ve had to recruit animal testers and tobacco jobs and emphasize how much they’re needed by the company. For jobs no one else wants, the companies (many of whom have deep pockets) are forced to rely on a much slimmer pool. Should you choose to recruit for these difficult positions, you have the ability to make candidates feel very important. You may even get the budget.

For a job that seems devoid of meaning.
Find the meaning. Look no further than Mike Rowe, the dirty jobs guy. Dude has parlayed a georgia whatsapp phone number chin dimple into a highly coveted career where he basically just offers gratitude to a group of people who’ve gone constantly overlooked. Meaning is how a chain of slaughterhouses goes from that to a protein company that “feeds the world”, it’s how a small marketing agency for HR Tech goes from that to “making work better”. You don’t need to offer a laundry list of benefits, just choose the ones that apply to your company. Somebody somewhere will buy what you’re selling. Here are some benefits many companies could or do offer (that they don’t really get are benefits):

Flexible scheduling
Job sharing
Work from home hours
Free or low-cost food
Rides to work
Proximity to candidates’ home or school
No dress code
No phone work
A set schedule
A flexible schedule
For a job that will suck the life out of you.
Offer it, AND a picture of what their life might look like after they complete their “mission”. Perhaps the job will take 60 hour weeks for two years but after that, the employee may have their pick of jobs within the company, including management opportunities. Maybe it will be very difficult to do the job initially but once he or she has mastered the skills necessary they’ll be able to move on to other things.

For a temporary job that’s just plain hard.
What is the payoff? If there’s no payoff at all, good luck to you, but usually with jobs that are difficult and arduous, you’ll see that those that make it through are often rewarded with permanent employment or supervisory responsibilities (and pay). Market the payoff and the life lessons learned from “sticking it out”.

For a job that has no discernible “upside”.
You know the line of thinking where even if you only work out one time a week, you’re still doing better than the person on the couch? Well, that applies here. Even if you’re doing the worst job you can imagine, it’s still better than doing nothing at all. The worst jobs can often prepare us for the best. My summer spent calling tanning salons ALL over the US made it easier for me to jump into selling my own company when the time came.
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