If a cybercriminal cracks the password of one account, it is easy to get to other places where you need to log in. For this reason, most applications or software force password changes from time to time. We also use this practice in our email marketing system, requiring changes every day. Also remember not to use the same password on different accounts. This is one of the best security practices. You can learn more about passwords in our post. Sources Materials Be suspicious of links and downloads Today we use many applications and messengers We receive dozens of emails.
And text messages. Such a large amount of information may weaken our vigilance. If you have even the slightest suspicion of a message you receive, for example after a purchase, then it is likely that it is. Phishing bolivia whatsapp resource emails are designed to look like they are sent by a real person or company with the purpose of tricking you into providing information. Most of the time such messages show inconsistencies in the sender address or subject. The downloaded spyware may look like the original file. Fake security experts may also send you a message stating that a virus has been.
Detected on your computer and they will fix it for you. Usually a fee is required or for remote access to your computer. If you suspect that this may be a hacker attack, never open such messages. Follow the news about cybercrime incidents Recently we often hear about subsequent hacking attacks and attempts to extort data from wellknown brands and institutions. Take the platform for example. Recently the brand had a big problem. After launching a new shipping and payment service, fraudsters tried to extort money or data by impersonating. They sent messages to the alleged buyers saying that the.