The first power plant and the arrival gives light to homes

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The first power plant and the arrival gives light to homes

Post by pappu888 »

At the end of 1875, factories and establishments relied on electricity. That same year, construction of the first power station began and in 1881 it became part of the first company dedicated to the production, distribution, and promotion of electricity, called Sociedad Española de Electricidad . At the end of the 70s, industrial electrification was already booming.

Light reached Spanish homes in 1881 in the town of Sotres (Asturias), which created a public lighting network for its streets and houses. The 80s of that century were par excellence the years of the expansion of public lighting networks and as a consequence, at the beginning of the 20th century, the creation of the first macro electric companies was promoted!

Origin of electrical energy

According to the first official statistics from 1901, 61% of installed power coo email list was of thermal origin, while the remaining 39% used hydraulic energy. However, at the time of publication of the statistics, electricity was generated in the form of direct current and it was not possible to transport it over long distances; with the invention of alternating current at the beginning of the 20th century, the balance tipped towards reaching 81% of power coming from hydroelectricity .

The electric Spain of the 21st century


Today, the electrification of industries and homes is widespread throughout the country. In fact, according to a World Economic Forum report on the energy transition index (2019), Spain would be the first country in the world in terms of energy access and security .

We have made a lot of progress and, right now, the path to follow is that of energy transition. According to the same report, Spain ranks 14th in the ranking of countries in terms of preparation for the energy transition, so there is still a lot of room for improvement. We must follow a clear path of promoting renewable energies in which the creation of infrastructures and raising awareness among the population will be key to positioning Spain as a benchmark country in the energy transition .

At Naturgy we firmly believe in the importance of renewable energies and, for that reason, we work daily to be able to offer you and your business energy supply options in line with our values.
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