Commercial contracts: Classification for your professional activity

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Commercial contracts: Classification for your professional activity

Post by Aklima@3 »

In this article you will learn in detail what a commercial contract is.
Discover the different types of commercial contracts that companies and professionals can use.
A company or a self-employed person may have a signed contract , but to have legal security , they also need a stable legal framework.

In the event of discrepancies between the parties signing a contract , it is necessary for justice to enforce what has been agreed within the framework of the law, otherwise the contract would be worthless.

One of the things that the courts are most vigilant about are cases of contracts signed with abuse of a dominant position by one of the parties. This was the case of many mortgages signed with floor clauses and other abusive clauses that the courts annulled.

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Situations such as Covid-19, supply chain problems and the war in Ukraine are a test for many contracts. In these exceptional situations, one of the signatory parties is unable to fulfil the agreement.

In addition, the materialisation of Brexit has caused a change in the legal situation in which many contracts were signed, so they have had to be revised to adapt to the new situation.

The different types of contracts are a fundamental nursing homes email list tool for companies, and it is important to know their typology in order to provide the necessary legal security for all types of operations.

Start of marked textSHARE! Commercial contracts are essential for companies, as they provide the legal security necessary for the development of their activity. Learn about the different types!End of marked text


What is a commercial contract?
A commercial contract is a private agreement, which may be verbal or written, in which the will of the signing parties is recorded in relation to a certain subject matter, the provision of a service or the realization of a certain object or work.

For a commercial contract to be valid, there must be a free and undefective consent of the parties involved, who must have the necessary legal capacity to sign it and to be able to exercise their rights themselves. The object of the contract must be lawful , as well as not being contrary to the laws in force.

In commercial contracts, the rights and obligations of the different parties are determined, and are governed by the commercial code and, additionally, by the civil code .
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