There are mainly two types of developers in web programming. Front-end development refers to the development of the user interface. It includes the design, development, and deployment of the layout and the code that controls the browser-based interface. Back-end development takes place on the server and includes the architecture, development, and deployment of the data.
1. Front-end Development
the front-end development model which means that it is the one that creates the UI. With the HTML and CSS codes, you can style the content and add images, clickable areas, links, and other useful c-level contact list features on the pages. With this front-end development model, you will create the user interface, but leave the backend code intact.
2. Back-end Development
With the back-end development model, you will create the actual content. However, this time you will need to learn several languages including JavaScript, Python, and maybe even a little server-side programming. A lot of the content will probably be created using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, so you will also need to know about these technologies. Most of the work is done on the server.