Boost your content strategy with these influencer marketing tips

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Boost your content strategy with these influencer marketing tips

Post by ujjal22 »

Boost your content strategy with these influencer marketing tips
Instead of targeting the entire market, influencer marketing leverages the influence of key individuals over potential buyers. People’s trust in brand advertisements is low; but influencer marketing content is known to build trust and credibility, deliver broad content reach, and generate more leads.

Plus, because their content is relatable, influencers have the power to stoke their audiences’ interest and enthusiasm, thus priming them before exposing them to a brand.

Therefore, these influential content creators country b2b b2c email list have the potential to become strong brand advocates.

Since influencers can help businesses create authentic content and brand stories, they greatly improve the effectiveness of their content marketing.

In this post, you'll find practical influencer marketing tips to boost your content strategy.

Table of Contents
1. Define your goals
2. Determine the type of content your company needs
Collaborative content
Reviews / Tutorials / Demos
Unpacking videos
Repurposed influencer content
3. Find influencers in your niche
4. Don't forget your audience
5. Measure the return on investment
Influencer Marketing ROI Tools
Influencer Marketing ROI Metrics
1. Define your goals
Before embarking on your influencer marketing journey, it’s important to ask yourself how the campaign will align with your buyer’s journey and what goals you plan to achieve.

Setting a clear goal will help you determine the type of content you need to create and the type of influencer you should partner with.

Your influencer campaign should aim to achieve at least one of these types of goals, namely action and awareness.


Action goals Awareness goals
Generate sales/leads/revenue Strengthen brand image and awareness.
Improve conversions (purchases, trial registrations, downloads or subscriptions) Reaching new audiences
Driving traffic to the website
Increase the number of followers
Drive engagement (comments, conversations, and shares)
These goals are tied to KPIs like traffic, content impressions, downloads, likes, comments, mentions, reach, subscribers, and more. Define your goal to understand which of these metrics and performance indicators your team should be tracking.

For example, if your goal is lead generation, you should monitor KPIs such as follower engagement, mentions, brand search volume, and leads generated, among others.

Additionally, your goals should always link back to your overall strategy and business objectives.

For example -

Objective: Increase revenue by 20% over last year
Strategy: Tap into new revenue streams
Goal: Generate incremental revenue of $200,000 through these new revenue streams over the next 6 months
Tactic: Partner with influencers on Instagram and Facebook
2. Determine the type of content your company needs
Since this post is all about strengthening your content strategy, it is important to first determine the type of content your business needs. This will help you identify the right influencers for your business.

Here are some types of content you can create with influencers.

Collaborative content
Through collaborative branded content you can not only surprise your fans but also reach and intrigue the influencers’ followers. Influencers know how to entertain their target audience just as you know how to engage yours.

So, tap into your creativity and brainstorm ideas that will help you tell a compelling brand story to a wider audience.

Check out how Tommy Hilfiger partnered with Shawn Mendes, the Canadian singer, to create this branded Instagram post. Shawn has 69.4 million followers on this platform, which helps the brand reach a huge audience.

This type of content will work if your goal is to expand reach, drive social engagement , and build trust with a new audience.

Reviews / Tutorials / Demos
Recommendations, reviews and product demos from influential content creators can have a huge impact on your target audience, because influencers are experts in specific domains.

Therefore, sharing honest yet detailed reviews or tutorials is a great way to gain the trust of your audience and educate them about your product.

See how iBUYPOWER, a gaming PC company, sponsored Linus Sebastian, a YouTube influencer, to review and demo their product.

Reviews, tutorials, and demos work best when your goal is to increase brand awareness and boost conversion rates .
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