Digital storage? Copyright if form/structure is creative
Another interesting part of this ruling was about a 'research portal'. This was a kind of digital storage of all kinds of documents. BRCP claimed copyright on this database. However, the fact that there is copyright on these documents does not mean that you have copyright on the database. For this, it is necessary that creative choices have been made in the form or structure of the display of the data. There is no copyright on a purely functional digital storage location .
Okay, now what?
This was another procedure that the dogs don't like. But how do you prevent something like this? By thinking about something you'd rather not think about at the start of a collaboration: what if there's a fight? I know, the champagne bottles are still bubbling and you think the collaboration will be great. However, this is the moment to discuss and record what happens in the event of an unexpected end.
On what then?
Whose is that?
Who retains or becomes the owner of the copyright if the collaboration fails?
And at what price?
Joint copyright on your website is not as easy as it seems. Hopefully, with the help of this example and the tips, you will already come a long way in your agreements. It is advisable to have brazil telegram data 30 million these agreements checked by an intellectual property specialist.
Western companies have been defending themselves against geographical price competition, for example from China, for several decades. The increasing popularity of platform giants as a replacement for traditional retail ensures that these platforms also take up an increasingly large part of the playing field. The customer approach of platforms differs significantly from that of traditional organizations. Platform organizations no longer see customers as the last link in the traditional value chain, but as part of the value creation.
In a network economy, customers are not the last link in the traditional value chain, but part of value creation
But can organizations with traditional business models still survive among all those new platform organizations? And isn't it already too late for these companies to transform into a platform organization? In the book The End of Competition? (aff.), author Cor Molenaar is fortunately positive about the future of traditional organizations. However, it is important to take action quickly. According to the author, customer loyalty via platforms will be the competitive weapon of the future.