a half months in, I've already launched a customer insight program. And I have a goal for my team, everyone in marketing needs to talk to at least five customers per quarter. And so I think so much happens once you understand the customer. And that also includes interacting and talking to people in the industry as well. So if you're in new zealand girl whatsapp number manufacturing, for instance, which is, right now, I'm in manufacturing, distribution, and CPG retail, I wanna be in front of other people who aren't our customers, but that are experts and that have experiences and are people that we may potentially wanna sell to in the future or maybe potential buyers. But the more knowledge that you can acquire and gain from those people, the better your marketing is going to be. The second thing that I think is really important is you need to figure out where your buyers go to get their information. And for every company that's different.
So if I'm a B to C brand, it may be Insta. My buyers may be on Insta. For us at SourceDay from the research I've been doing so far through email surveys, through customer interviews, through panels, the number one, what I call dark social channel, and I call it dark social because you can't attribute exactly where things come from. Attribution software doesn't necessarily work, but if they're very, very powerful channels is LinkedIn. So more often than not, if somebody that we talk to goes to social media to get information, they're going to LinkedIn. So for our company, our main, main focus and driver of demand gen this year is LinkedIn.
NICK: Awesome. That's something we hear across the board and a lot of our B2B clients. Can you talk a little bit more about how you're approaching your LinkedIn strategy, both from the organic and maybe from the paid side as well?
SARAH: Yeah, so once you figure out where your buyers are, and again, I wanna be very clear that LinkedIn may not be the right strategy for you. For B2B SaaS companies in my vertical, it absolutely is, but you need to really figure out is it TikTok? Is it YouTube? Is it Facebook? So my LinkedIn strategy is doing a couple things. The first thing is posting really useful content every single day on LinkedIn. And useful content is not, hey, it's my work anniversary. Or hey, we won this big award. Posting useful content is actually taking time to think about thoughtful insights that your buyers want to read and will learn something from.