Social Media and Recruitment Fit Hand in Hand

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Social Media and Recruitment Fit Hand in Hand

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

Companies and individuals can shy away from social media fearing it is a dark art. In reality you should treat a digital conversation in the same way you do a face to face chat. The only major difference is that your face to face chats aren’t archived and searchable so in theory can’t come back to haunt you. However, as with any negative, there is a positive, searchable content is findable so other people can join in. These people could be looking for a job with a company like yours.

Of course, there has to be a point to these digital conversations, ultimately you belize whatsapp phone number want people to be so enthusiastic about your brand, company and culture that they want to work for you before you even advertise careers are available.

Don’t be a tweet
Social media is a great tool, however, like any media bad news travels faster and further than good. So, if you have an unhappy workforce, a poor brand or a bad reputation you need to address some of those issues before undertaking a social media campaign. That being said you will already have a presence on social media, just not the one you want to attract valuable team members.

You will always receive criticism and potentially negative comments but the positives should far outweigh them. It is important for social media to engage, so never delete comments but be seen to respond. Transparency is really important in building trust in your brand.

Social media tools by their very design are easy to use, but it takes time and a little research to ensure you hit your target audience with the right messaging and engagement level. There is no ‘one size fits all’ so learn to talk to your followers not the general public.
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