87% of professionals say that artificial intelligence and email marketing are the best combination

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87% of professionals say that artificial intelligence and email marketing are the best combination

Post by messi66 »

Today we want to make a digression into artificial intelligence in the field of email marketing , and we will do so with data collected in a report by Salesforce , a CRM solutions provider.

It is not surprising that thanks to the capacity of Artificial Intelligence to analyse large amounts of data, identify patterns and trends and, therefore, automatically formulate predictions, it has become so established in the world of marketing. Professionals have already realised that implementing it in the different areas of a discipline such as marketing, which is increasingly analytical and quantitative, is highly effective.

In this case, email marketing is one of the areas in which marketers prefer to bet on artificial intelligence. In fact, this is demonstrated in the survey that Salesforce carried out on 1,028 professionals thailand business email list from around the world in the first quarter of 2017.
87% of respondents say that if they had to implement artificial intelligence in any area of ​​marketing, they would do so or already do so in email marketing . However, we cannot ignore the fact that 87% would also implement it in sales forecasting and 83% in the area of ​​customer service or sales/leads .

Below we remind you of some of the functionalities that artificial intelligence brings to email marketing:


Predicting subscriber behavior. Knowing the likelihood that customers will respond in a certain way before sending an email campaign. By having an approximate anticipation of their reactions, we can draw up strategies.
Segmentation . Segment your customer and prospect database by grouping them based on their interests or similar data, all through predictive behavior.
Sending time . Thanks to its algorithm, we will be able to know which is the best time slot for subscribers to open and interact with the email and, therefore, the best time to send it.
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