By not having to

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By not having to

Post by tasnimsanika7 »

There is nothing that seems more sloppy and risky to me than working online without protecting your data and access to private logins. Don't you think so?

Each of us has a lot of passwords for the hundreds of online sites we are registered on. Ideally, each of these passwords should be different, long and contain combinations of characters that are impossible to guess (letters, numbers, signs, lowercase and uppercase).
But the reality is that even today in the online age, many professionals use weak passwords that are easy to guess and even the same password to access different platforms or tools.

Think about it: you have data from your entire life on your computer, your work, personal details, bank access... and not just yours, but you may also store sensitive information about your family and clients.
Don't you think it's worth taking a few minutes to protect access to your data?

If you are reading me here, at Caos Cero, I am sure that you want to professionalize the management of your business and manage to delegate or automate routine tasks, so I think it is an obligation that you work with an online password manager right now. It is undoubtedly one of the first tools to manage a digital business .

[bctt tweet="Do you write down your #passwords in a notebook? Burn it please ??? #security #lastpass #onlinetool" username="caoscero"]

What are the advantages of using an online tool for your passwords?
Saving your passwords in an appropriate online tool will allow you to:

Keep all your passwords and sensitive data in one place to avoid constantly searching for where you wrote down something so important.
Use extra-strong passwords for all your online logins. And when I say "extra-strong" I also mean different passwords that you don't repeat in more than one place.
Save time by automatically filling in your username and password every time you access any tool or platform that you have stored in your password manager.
Securely share access to any of the tools you use with your friends, family or business collaborators, without having to reveal the password.
I have been using the Last Pass tool as a password manager for a few years now and I trust it. If you have never used one before, I will explain how to get started today in a few simple steps .

How to get started with Last Pass?
is a free online tool that works as a "safe" in which you can safely store all your passwords. The tool will automatically fill them in every time you access an online site for which you have saved the login.

remember or manually enter passwords, you can allow yourself the luxury of using combinations of letters, uppercase, lowercase, numbers and signs that make them extra strong keys that are difficult to guess.

WARNING! To access your Last Pass vault, you must create a "master password" that will give you access to the tool.
Take creating and memorizing this master key very seriously, because if you forget or lose it, you will not be able to use the passwords that Last Pass stores.
Imagine the nightmare!
After registering on Last Pass I recommend you:
Install the browser extension (available for the most popular browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari. This way you will always have the Last Pass icon available to add, modify or access any login.
Add Last Pass to all the devices you use (computer, laptop, mobile, tabletand this way japan whatsapp number data your passwords will be synchronized on all your devices.
Next, save the passwords you already have in use to Last Pass.
How to add passwords to Last Pass
If you're not using an online password manager right now, you probably have a notebook or something similar where you write down all your passwords. Am I wrong?
Well, I hope that after this tutorial you'll secure your logins and burn that notebook.

This is what your password tokens will look like once you enter them into your manager:


What should you do to start saving your passwords in Last Pass?
Access each platform or tool you use one by one. If you are using weak passwords, such as your birthday or your dog's nam
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